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пятница, 11 мая 2018 г.

There are so many incredible pieces of writing about Muhammad Ali and responses

DC was perfect. Mallory forgot to do the open thread and I forgot to do any of the social sharing on Friday so it was a REAL LAIDBACK DAY. But, most importantly, I met Nikki IRL.

There are so many incredible pieces of writing about Muhammad Ali and responses to his death, and I will just share one here (the fabulous Gillian B. White on how he helped her understand her father and her grandfather in very different ways), please share the ones you like best in the comments:
For my grandfather, the realities of this country and its potential for brutality were clearer and more deeply entrenched than they were for his son, who was just reaching adolescence. His memory of what this country could do to a young, brash black men was longer and sharper than my dad’s. He could also readily remember the brutality that had happened not-so long ago: Emmett Till, the young black boy murdered when his own black boy was just a toddler.
Grandad’s distaste for Ali was part an old-school rejection of a young man who talked too much, but it was also the fear that the result of Ali’s braggadocio could be a squashing of the progress blacks had made thus far. In Indianapolis my grandfather could earn a respectable living, he could buy a home and a car, and take care of his family. He could provide a modicum of safety and security for his family, and surround them with other black people who were doing well too. But he knew that safety could be fleeting and precarious in this country, and feared what a black man invoking the ire of white society could mean. The result was a complex generational rift. Ali and his persona were one of the few things my dad and grandfather fought about.
It wasn’t just Ali’s pride, it was his pride about who he was—black, Muslim—at a time when society didn’t encourage men like him to have any pride or voice at all, that really struck a chord with my father. Whether or not he agreed with his views on Vietnam or refusal to fight did not matter. At a time when black men were supposed to apologize and accommodate, to simply keep their heads down and do as they were told, Ali’s push to stand up for himself and his beliefs was invigorating. While my father’s childhood included vivid memories of segregation, of racial violence, of the fight for basic rights, they also included the hope that one day this country would be a more equitable and welcoming place for people like him. Ali’s radicalism could help make that hope, reality, he thought.

You may not feel comfortable reading the victim impact statement made by the young woman in the Stanford rape trial, but if you do, it’s shattering and hugely brave:
On January 17th, 2015, it was a quiet Saturday night at home. My dad made some dinner and I sat at the table with my younger sister who was visiting for the weekend. I was working full time and it was approaching my bed time. I planned to stay at home by myself, watch some TV and read, while she went to a party with her friends. Then, I decided it was my only night with her, I had nothing better to do, so why not, there’s a dumb party ten minutes from my house, I would go, dance like a fool, and embarrass my younger sister. On the way there, I joked that undergrad guys would have braces. My sister teased me for wearing a beige cardigan to a frat party like a librarian. I called myself “big mama”, because I knew I’d be the oldest one there. I made silly faces, let my guard down, and drank liquor too fast not factoring in that my tolerance had significantly lowered since college.

Jared is loosely based on his mom:

Tegan and Sara on their ten favourite (Tegan and Sara) songs:
“Nineteen,” The Con (2007)
At that point, Sara had written “Walking With a Ghost,” and that had done really well for us. But this was probably the first song that I wrote that had a connection with the audience, which I hadn’t yet had a song accomplish. It was sort of obvious right from the beginning that it was gonna be everybody’s sad, weepy breakup song. Even when I wrote it, I remember calling Sara and her girlfriend in the middle of the night in Montreal and telling them to wake up and go listen, and I was like, “I think I wrote something really sad, accidentally.” It was very cathartic, which throughout the early part of our career, I had rejected that word — like when people would be like, “Do you find writing cathartic? It’s like reading out of our diary” — because I thought it was really sexist. But that was the moment where I was like, no, no, this really is cathartic to sing this, to scream on stage every night, and watch everyone else scream along. When I say exactly how I feel, it really seems to connect. It still feels the same performing it now, though obviously, we’ve updated it. Our musical director suggested doing it on piano, and it really transports me back to the first few times we played it live. It feels very emotional — lots of tears in the front row. I have to kind of not look because it makes me very sensitive.

This is so incredibly important:
Most American schools take a 10- to 11-week break during the summer. The assumption that underlies summer vacation — that there is one parent waiting at home for the kids — is true for just over a quarter of American families. For the rest of us, the children are off, the parents are not. We can indulge our annual illusion of children filling joyful hours with sprinkler romps and robotics camp or we can admit the reality: Summer’s supposed freedom is expensive.
In 2014, parents reported planning to spend an average of $958 per child on summer expenses. Those who can’t afford camps or summer learning programs cobble together care from family members or friends, or are forced to leave children home alone. Self-care for 6- to 12-year-olds increases during the summer months, with 11 percent of children spending an average of 10 hours a week on their own. In July 2014, a South Carolina woman was arrested when she left her 9-year-old in a park while she worked. Parents afraid of being at the center of a similar incident may be more likely to park their kids in front of the TV.

well, this ticks all my interest boxes:
While the Kent/Berberova edition of Anna Karenina contains thousands of revisions, it essentially remains Garnett’s translation. “That she made errors and that her heritage dictated pruderies which occasionally mute some of Tolstoy is certain,” Kent and Berberova write, “but that her language and syntax almost always faithfully reproduce both the letter and the tone of the original is no less true; indeed, we remain as unconvinced as many others that her translation has ever been superseded.” Kent and Berberova deftly change “he eschewed farinaceous and sweet dishes” to “he avoided starchy foods and desserts.” They correct a truly serious error in the passage where Vronsky first lays eyes on Anna at the train station. Garnett writes that he “felt he must glance at her once more; not that she was very beautiful…,” which seems odd, since Anna’s exceptional beauty is one of the novel’s givens. In the corrected version “not that” becomes “not because,” and all falls into place.
However, there are revisions that subvert, you could almost say Pevearise, the Garnett translation. In book five, chapter 3, Tolstoy writes with delicious malice of the ridiculous young man Vassenka Vesselovsky’s realization that his fancy new hunting outfit is wrong while the tatters Stiva wears are the height of chic. In the original Garnett version Stiva is dressed “in rough leggings and spats, in torn trousers and a short coat. On his head there was a wreck of a hat.” Kent and Berberova properly remove “spats” but substitute some mystifying “linen bands wrapped around his feet.” What are these bands? In their version, the Maudes solve the mystery for the reader: “Oblonsky was wearing raw hide shoes, bands of linen wound round his feet instead of socks, a pair of tattered trousers….” There are no socks in the Tolstoy original. The Maudes just decided to help out the reader. Whether you think they were right or wrong to do so says something about where you stand in the current controversy about the translation of Russian fiction.

Edgar Allan Poe’s hair:
In Poe’s case, his hair was even given as a gift during his lifetime. In 1846, a fan requested the writer’s autograph, but he decided to offer her some of his hair instead. “I guess I do want a lock of Mr. Poe’s hair!” she replied, “but I also want a line of his writing.” (There’s no record how Poe’s hair was clipped, but scissors were the likely implement of removal. In The Murders in the Rue Morgue, Poe wrote of the “great force necessary in tearing thus from the head even twenty or thirty hairs together.”)
The enthusiasm for Poe’s hair has hardly abated among collectors and Poe obsessives. In fact, celebrity hair—despite a considerable ick factor—still seems to be sought after. “Clippings from long-dead celebrities’ hair have emerged widely at auctions in recent years,” observed the New York Times. Indeed, it wasn’t so long ago that Susan Jaffe Tane, owner of the world’s greatest private Poe collection, purchased a lock of the author’s hair—as well as his fiancée’s engagement ring, photographic portraits, and other paraphernalia—for a reported $96,000. Poe’s tresses have also been sold on eBay.

I am such a This Is Spinal Tap stan:
The critics liked us very much. The public that found us, either by fluke or in response to the “trickledown” theory of promotion, found us funny. But we were a modestly budgeted satirical film with a very specific voice; we gave the bigger spring releases no serious nightmares. It did play in one theatre in Boston for something like a year, and the fans we encountered were smart and funny and flattering. This Is Spinal Tapmade a lot of Best of the Year lists; it just didn’t crack 1984’s top 10 box office. But it was the movie we had wanted to make, and we were very happy with it.

El Chapo:
And so, for a long time, it was the Mexican government’s position that El Chapo ought to die in one of its prisons. When asked in 2015 whether he would extradite his prize captive to the US to stand trial, Jesus Murillo Karam, then the Mexican Attorney General, said, “El Chapo has to stay here and do his time, then I’ll extradite him…[in] 300, 400 years.” That was before the tunnel underneath Altiplano, before the failed attempt to storm his mountain hideout in the remote “golden triangle” on the border of Sinaloa, Durango and Chihuahua, before the shoot-out in Los Mochis. Murillo Karam is no longer Attorney General. (He stepped down as a result of the ongoing scandal over the mass kidnapping of forty-three college students in Iguala, Guerrero; then he landed comfortably in a new cabinet role as the Minister for Agrarian and Urban Development.) His boss, President Enrique Peña Nieto, has had enough of El Chapo. Putting him on trial in Mexico and holding him in its prisons just isn’t worth the cost, apparently. In January, shortly after El Chapo was recaptured, Peña Nieto announced that he was instructing government officials to “achieve the extradition of this highly dangerous delinquent as soon as possible.”

четверг, 10 мая 2018 г.

7 Советов по рекламе и маркетингу статей для создания большего количества трафика

Информация в нескольких рекламных рекомендациях по статье действительно должна быть составной частью любого рекламного метода, а также разумно разработать то, что вы собираетесь писать до начала. без сомнения, вам дали завершенное тщательное исследование ключевых слов, и вы захотите выбрать из пяти или шести ключевых фраз, которые включают ключевые фразы, которые вы можете использовать в качестве основы для материала вашего материала. Как только вы соберете несколько статей для каждого ключевого слова, например, эссе, бумаге, письме, вы предоставите вам, вы сможете загрузить их в лучшие статьи каталогов в ближайшие пару дней.

Удовлетворительные рекламные советы: -
Обновление Google Panda / Farmer оказало пагубное влияние на несколько веб-сайтов публикации статей, однако те, которые пострадали больше всего, были веб-сайтами в каталоге статей, которые позволили получить низкий высокий уровень контента. вот почему вам приходится иметь дело с более высокими удовлетворительными каталогами статей. многие люди говорят, что представление статьи теперь уже не стоит того, чтобы приложить все усилия, однако вам предоставляется возможность писать статьи первой очереди о выбранной вами теме, которые привлекательны и полезны для человека. Они должны быть построены таким образом, чтобы ваша статья писала приводит людей вниз к ноге со статьей, где находится биография вашего создателя. Ваш био-бокс или ящик для помощи будут работать с гиперссылками на соответствующую веб-страницу для захвата вашего интернет-сайта, в которой читатели могут щелкнуть мышью по длинной дополнительной информации или приобрести ваш продукт. Рекламная статья будет служить дополнительной функцией. Он предложит вам обратные гиперссылки на ваш веб-сайт в Интернете, что будет иметь важное значение для перевода вашего веб-сайта в Интернете через ряды Google. Чем лучше ваш материал для контента статьи, тем больше людей, которые могли бы прочитать его, и нажмите на него с помощью манеры на вашем сайте. писатель экстраординарной статьи, и сама статья также может быть просто оценена Google, приносящей вам выгодную сделку с большим количеством посетителей сайта и более низкими гиперссылками. в наши дни это может быть действительно тяжелее, но теперь это невозможно.
7 Статьи Реклама и маркетинговые советы для создания большего количества трафика
7 Статьи Реклама и маркетинговые советы для создания большего количества трафика
Еще несколько советов по рекламе и маркетингу статей: -
Первый фактический каталог сайта, который я вам советую, это Ezinearticles. они могут занять около 5 дней, чтобы утвердить вашу статью, но регулярно намного меньше. Они будут постоянно представлять собой замечательную статью, в которой, следовательно, содержится строгий метод утверждения. Вам не нужно публиковать свою статью в других местах до тех пор, пока она не будет аккредитована Ezinearticles, поскольку они отклонят вас за дублированное содержание статьи. кроме того, им нравятся информационные и очаровательные статьи с качественной грамматикой и пунктуацией. Не создавайте свою статью как вопиющую рекламу в своем продукте, они не разрешат ее. Ваша статья должна быть построена так, чтобы она, несомненно, указывала на множество превосходных компонентов вашего продукта, не называя его. Концепция высокого качества обычно заключается в том, чтобы писать свою статью таким образом, чтобы она обращалась и реагировала на неприятности. вы можете составить учетную запись о том, как ваш товар исправил проблему. Сделайте это полезным. когда ваша статья разрешена, вы хотите, по крайней мере, 30% фраз в ней, чтобы каждый раз, когда вы отправляете в другие каталоги статей, они на самом деле точны для них.

Ведите своего читателя к писателю Bio field: -
здесь вы добавляете свои нижние обратные ссылки на свой веб-сайт и где вам нужно убедить людей нажимать на 1 с помощью гиперссылок, разрешенных несколькими веб-сайтами. как правило, удерживайте читателя, передавая его через вашу статью, комбинируя призыв к словам движения, например, «более нагруженные исследования». Секрет заключается в том, чтобы сделать ваш биоконтейнерный лоток и казаться частью тела вашей статьи. Не сообщайте об этом примерно так и убедитесь, что вы ведете читателя в направлении точной страницы на вашем сетевом веб-сайте - как правило, в главной странице захвата.

Реклама и маркетинг статей также дают полезные обратные ссылки: -
гиперссылки на статьи, которые вы пишете, не задерживаясь ниже в своей статье на EzineArticles, и это обеспечит доставку бонуса гиперссылок с более низкой обратной связью. Учитывая, что все статьи, которые вы публикуете, относятся к аналогичной теме, это определенно большая выгода. Предполагая, что вы, возможно, правильно выбрали ключевые слова, это может быть достаточно, чтобы ранжировать вашу статью на главной странице Google, придавая большую часть покрытия вашей статье и вашему объекту. те немногие статьи рекламы и маркетинговые советы должны помочь.

Создатель био: Сахал патра, писатель и редактор
Саджал окончил правительство. бизнес-колледж и изучил многие государственные школьные приложения. Он является бизнес-стратегическим экспертом по дню и сочинением фанатизма в ночное время, написав все разновидности материала с надписью на верхнем уровне. Саджал уже помог многим людям с сочинением эссе и не планирует оставаться на нем.

вторник, 8 мая 2018 г.

Which Broadway Couples Are Most Likely To Make It: A Worst-to-Best Ranking

The Tonys were on two nights ago, and now we all know just who came out on top. Could you believe it when School of Rock won for Best Musical?! (I kid.)* Now that all the awards have been handed out, there is another Broadway ranking that must be attended to: Which couples have what it takes to last beyond the final curtain?

Some rules for this list: I have excluded any musicals where characters are based on real people — we all know what happened to Alexander Hamilton, and we all know that the Von Trapps made it out of Austria okay. I’ve also cut out all couples in which one or more parties doesn’t survive — which eliminates quite a few famous characters. (Musicals are morbid, no?)

* No offense to Alex Brightman, who will definitely win a Tony at some point in his life. Just not this year. And not with Andrew Lloyd Webber.

Christine Daaé and Raoul Vicomte de Chagny, The Phantom of the Opera:

This may depend on which production you’ve seen, but Christine always seemed way more into the Phantom than Raoul. Christine and the Phantom get all the best songs, “All I Ask of You” is pretty meh when stacked up against “Point of No Return,” “Phantom of the Opera,” and “Music of the Night.” And when Raoul comes to rescue her from the Phantom’s lair at the end of the musical, she just really doesn’t seem all that excited to leave. I get that Raoul and the Phantom are supposed to represent two different choices for Christine, the Phantom being “Darkness” and Raoul being “Light,” but what’s wrong with a little Darkness (and probably some light bondage) when Light is that boring? In the prologue, we see Raoul as an old man after Christine has died, but it never explicitly states that they stayed together. I give Christine six months tops of living with boring old Raoul before she starts skulking around the old opera house, hoping for a little Phantom on the side.

(Also, I know there’s a sequel to this musical, but I have decided to pretend it’s not canon. I did, however, just look up the plot to Love Never Dies on Wikipedia, and boy is it is it wild.)

Maureen Johnson and Joanne Jefferson, Rent:

As the stand-in for La Boheme‘s Musetta, Maureen fulfills all the character requirements by being larger than life, self-centered, flirtatious, fabulous, and fond of tempestuous relationships. Said tempestuous relationship in Rent would be between Maureen and her girlfriend Joanne — a love affair that is consistently on-again/off-again. Though they’re technically together by the end of the musical, it feels like it’s only a matter of time before they break it off again. It’s likely they’ll have a couple more years of being on/off before Joanne finally decides to get off the merry-go-round for good. Either that, or Maureen’s going to dump her for someone else. (Not Mark, though.)

Joanna and Antony, Sweeney Todd:

Here’s a fun game: name as many Sondheim-written shows as you can that don’t end with someone dead, emotionally devastated, or both.

This romance is comprised of one person who is naïve to the ways of the world, and one person who has been through way too much shit to ever connect with people in a normal way ever again. Out of sheer survival instinct and a need to escape the carnival of horrors that is Sweeney Todd‘s London, Joanna will for sure marry Antony, but she’ll spend the rest of her days inwardly rolling her eyes at every pronouncement Antony makes about how beautiful the world is and how lucky they are to be alive. (Though I’ve always wondered: if Judge Turpin is dead, and Joanna was his ward and intended bride, does that mean she inherits his fortune? Because if that’s the case, Joanna’s going to drop Antony like a bag of rocks, go build a house in the most isolated place she can find, and enjoy the rest of her days as a hermit, with only her birds for company.)

Hodel and Perchik, Fiddler on the Roof:

They moved to Siberia. Well, they were forced to move to Siberia. Well, Perchik was forced to move to Siberia, and Hodel, with the bearing of a saint about to be martyred, agreed to join him there because she loved him just that much. If they don’t die of starvation or exposure, they’ll probably stay together, but it won’t be a great life.

Marius Pontmercy and Cosette, Les Miserables:

These two will stay together for life, though that has more to do with the fact that they exist in the mid-nineteenth century than their actual level of happiness. Neither person is at fault, really: Cosette is so sheltered she was bound to fall in love with the first boy who snuck over her garden wall, and Marius used to be on that same level of naïveté but is now stuck with an epic case of PTSD and survivor’s guilt. Their relationship will last the rest of their lives. At least Valjean left them a lot of money.

Bobby and Anybody, Company:

I really, really hope that Bobby finally does decide to become an active participant in the world. The song “Being Alive” is just that good, especially when sung by Raul Esparza. That being said, the odds of Bobby ending up committed in a loving, lasting relationship are 50/50 at best. In the finale he arrives at this wonderful epiphany, but epiphanies don’t always stick around long-term. And let’s face it, when it comes to love and relationships, Bobby’s friends are truly terrible role models: there’s Joanne, the bitter alcoholic on husband number three; Amy, the woman who ends up panicking under a table on the day of her wedding; and Harry and Sarah, who bait each other until they end up engaging in martial arts combat. (I would totally grab drinks with Joanne and make fun of everyone in the bar with her — but she’s not someone I’d model my whole life on.)

Princeton and Kate Monster, Avenue Q:

Here are some of the good points in Princeton and Kate’s relationship: they are incredibly compatible in bed, and over the course of the musical Princeton reaches a level of emotional maturity at which he might be able to provide Kate with the love and support she needs. These are the downsides: Princeton can be a little dense when it comes to the prejudice Kate faces as a monster, and I have a feeling that his dalliance with Lucy is going to be a chip on Kate’s shoulder for a while.

I can foresee Kate and Princeton having another rough patch about six months after they get back together. Princeton will start to feel inadequate when he observes Kate’s success with her Monstersori School, and Kate will overcompensate and end up making the situation worse. From there, we’ll see whether Princeton’s personal growth at the end of the musical is permanent. If it is, they’ll work through it and be fine. If not, Kate will just have to take comfort in her career success until she finds a person who is truly worthy of her.

Nathan Detroit and Miss Adelaide, Guys and Dolls:

Normally, I would not advocate for the “marry the man today and change his ways tomorrow” plan espoused by Adelaide, but in her case, tricking Nathan into marriage might not be the worst idea ever. Consider this: Nathan and Adelaide have been engaged for fourteen years, during which time Nathan never strayed. (Also of note: it seems pretty clear that those were not fourteen celibate years, so we know they’re sexually compatible.) The real hiccup in their courtship shouldn’t be Nathan dragging his feet to the altar — it should be his gambling problems. For the sake of her eventual mortgage, I would advise Adelaide to keep a separate bank account with a very secure password, or that persistent cold of hers might just flare up again.

Dolly Levi and Horace Vandergelder, Hello Dolly!:

Dolly deserves better than old stick-in-the-mud Horace. He never gives his employees a day off, he doesn’t approve of the way Dolly dresses, and he sings a whole song all about how having a wife means having an extra person to muck out the stable. Dolly’s first husband Ephram sounds like a hoot, and it’s a real shame that he died. In a perfect world, Dolly would wait around (she does just fine on her own, after all) until another man as fun-loving as Ephram comes along, or she’d fill up her house with a bunch of friends as amazing as she is, and live her life in a more Mame fashion (not a shock: Jerry Herman composed both musicals). But Dolly wants Horace, and Dolly pretty much gets whatever Dolly wants. And Dolly’s a smart lady — I think the main qualities she likes in Horace are that he’s rich and also dumb enough to be molded into pretty much whatever she wants. It’ll take a bit of effort on her part, but they’ll probably do alright.

Lizzie Curry and Sheriff File, 110 in the Shade:

I’m really rooting for these two. You might be expecting for me to say that Lizzie should end up with the passionate con man/rainmaker Starbuck, but I think the musical got it right: Starbuck is really good for a fling, but he doesn’t have the attention span to make it for the long haul. The caring, stable File is the ideal choice in this scenario. This is doubly true when you consider that, by her own admission, Lizzie doesn’t want to be an adventurer or a world traveller — she just wants to build a home and a family with someone who loves her.

This certainly doesn’t mean that Lizzie is submissive or lacking in personality — in fact, it’s alluded to that the reason she has so many troubles with men is because she’s so independent, and she refuses to dumb herself down in order to appear more charming. Both she and Sheriff File have their share of issues to work through — File has had trust issues ever since his wife left him, and Lizzie deals with plenty of insecurity — but they really seem to get each other. So Lizzie can have the best of both worlds: she can have awesome sex with Starbuck, give herself a good ego boost and leave before she gets wise to his flaky tendencies, and then she can go off and marry File. Everybody seems okay with this arrangement, so who am I to argue?

Mame and Vera, Mame:

Husbands come and husbands go, but Mame and Vera are for life. I flat-out refuse to believe that Mame isn’t shaking Vera’s rocks glass on a regular basis — they just keep it on the down-low; it’s still the 1920s. This is not to say that Mame and Vera don’t have their faults as a couple — some might say Vera drinks a little too much, and I don’t think she’s every going to really forget the time Mame ruined her play. The two also bait and insult each other constantly…but that’s part of their chemistry. They are both excellent communicators! They know when to give each other space, and they know when to come together and support one another. These two Bosom Buddies will be together for life.

Marian and Harold Hill, The Music Man:

The rest of the town thinks Marian is a weird librarian/harlot, so she’s just happy to meet a man who doesn’t support censorship. She inadvertently convinces Harold to give up the con and settle down, just by hanging out and being herself — she even tells him she’s okay with him leaving, and she’s just happy to have known him. Without any moralizing or pressure on her part, Harold decides he’s in love with her and sticks around.

As for their future, who knows? They might leave Iowa for a while and just travel around living by their wits, but I think an even better scenario would be if Marian ran for Mayor of River City, with Harold Hill as her campaign manager. She would do a bang-up job, he’s got the right personality for political machinations, and Marian would keep him (mostly) honest.
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